"Hatbag Productions is a creative partnership highlighting the work of David Hitt, Jesse Holland, and Lain Hughes who created a stir on the University of Mississippi campus with "Hippie and the Black Guy"-a satirical strip dealing with prejudice and college life.. Browse through the comic library." -Wing Comics
"Sometimes on target, mildly controversial social satire, but combined with an art style that makes this the Clutch Cargo of comic strips." -Alternative Comics: A WWW Guide
"A political satire of social predudice in modern America." -Top 100 Web Comics
"En inte helt politiskt korrekt serie." -@DEPT
"This example is citated from the Columbia Education Center's Summer Workshop
Comic strips about prejudices and discrimination
GRADE LEVEL/SUBJECT: 9-12, U.S. History classes
Here are some comic strips about prejudices and discrimination. It shows the conversations between a "Hippie and an black guy". These comics will be excellent material in your lessons, because children usually like comics and they get the message across."
-On-Line and Distance Learning
"Funny^2" -Space, Music and Fun
"In 1994, Hatbag Productions created a stir on the University of Mississippi campus with the controversial and hilarious daily comic strip "Hippie and the Black Guy," which ran in The Daily Mississippian. It was a comic relief satire of the way in which modern Americans are guided by stereotypes. People who didn't "get it" may have huffed and puffed, but most people agreed that the two title characters deflated both conventional prejudices and the sacred cows of political correctness." -Chris Baker
"After all, some of today's most popular political strips began in college-- most notably, Doonesbury. Though Garry Trudeau's early installments are pretty typical sitcom fare, Doonesbury gradually broadened its base of concerns. This was natural in the 1960s, when Vietnam politics charged many campuses. But even in the 1990s, college strips like "Hippie and the Black Guy" have taken strong stands against stereotypes. "
-From a web magazine article we lost the attribution for (Honestly). If anybody knows where it's from, let us know.
One of "The Top Ten Humor Sites on the Web"... "This little cartoon is probably banned everywhere except the Web!" -The Weekender Online
"The funniest cartoons on the net. " -The Cardboard Shack