Notes on This Edition

The last collection we actually put together was "The Almost-More-Than-Complete Hippie and the Black Guy Anthology". "More than complete" because it featured the web strips, some of the weeklies, extra artwork, etc. "Almost" because it was missing some strips, some of which we were aware of at the time, and some of which we had forgotten we had lost.
This collection, we believe, remedies that. To the best of our knowledge, this contains every Hippie and the Black Guy strip ever published, in print or on the web.


All speech balloons in "Hippie and the Black Guy" are in Palatino, a font which David was particularly fond of in the mid-1990s for its stately serif appearance yet ready distinction from the ubiquitous Times family.
Most all other text in this collection is in universal web font.
"Hippie and the Black Guy" was created in Adobe Illustrator. Also used in the creation of this collection and its contents were, notably, QuarkXPress, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word 5.0, Netscape Navigator, Apple MoviePlayer, Apple QuickTime Player and Adaptec Toast.
'Hippie and the Black Guy" and this collection were created exclusively with Apple Macintosh computers, running the gamut from the Classic II to the G4.


Special Thanks to: God, for everything; the Oxford Mall security guard; Shannon, for the continous inspiration; the Hitt, Holland and Hughes families; Nicole, for enduring this project (among many, many other things); Apple, for the wonderful toys; Darkwing Duck; Larry, for the Creator's Discount; the DM Editor Selection Committee; Raouf and all the gang at Copy Time, for helping make the first collection a success; everyone at the University Writing Center (past, present and future); Joe and Lee Eric (you know what for); David Rushing, for his constant patience; Anna DeMarco, for not getting it, for running it even though she didn't get it, and for too much else to mention; Nik Dirga (a/k/a Kid Grain [the secret's out]), for our second chance; everybody else who ran Hatbag, including Jamie Kornegay and Susan David, among several others; HiYon D. Cox, for being who we needed when we needed you; The Chrises -- Tutor, Baker and good and evil Goodwin; S. Gale Denley; the now-replaced University Honors Program, maker of fine fine t-shirts; Corky's (now in Jackson); El Chico; Paramount Studios; John Grisham; America Online; the Associated Student Body; everyone who supported Spare Time; all the racists, sexists, bigots and seperatists out there, who made it all possible; and of course, most of all, first and foremost, the readers who made it all worthwhile.